The skin is the largest organ in our body and it serves as a first line of defense from the elements. That’s why we do everything we can to protect it and keep it in the best form possible. Unfortunately, sometimes as much as we try our skin gets damaged and this especially goes for the skin on our face. There are a number of problems that can appear but acne are the most common skin issue we all face from time to time. Instead of spending money on expensive cosmetic products we recommend trying some of the following home remedies for acne. They will make your skin glowing, moisturized and healthy like nothing you’ve ever tried so far.
- Grape Cleanser
All you need for this remedy is a few fresh grapes. Cut a couple of grapes in half and rub them all over your face and neck. Leave it on for a few minutes and rinse with cool water.
- Cucumber Face Mask
Blend one small cucumber and 1 cup of oatmeal until you get a paste. Mix 1 teaspoon of this paste with 1 teaspoon of yogurt and apply the mixture on your face. Leave the mask on for half an hour and rinse.
- Simple Honey Mask
First rinse your face with warm water to open up the pores and then you just need to apply some honey on your face. Leave it on for half an hour and rinse with warm water. In the end rinse with some cold water to close the pores. It may be simple but it sure is effective.
- Oatmeal Facial
Oatmeal has natural soothing properties so it’s no wonder it can help you with acne as well. Mix 2 teaspoons of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and enough water to form a paste. Apply it on your entire face, gently rubbing it in with your fingers. Rinse with water.
- Lemon-Egg Face Mask
This face mask is an excellent natural remedy for acne which can be used for any face type.
Just squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white, as Cook-Bolden recommends. Apply this mixture on your face, and leave the mask on overnight while you sleep. When you get up in the morning wash your face with some warm water and that’s it. Just make sure it doesn’t get into your eyes or mouth during the night.